Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Playtest 2.2

So today I re-playtested my tic tac toe game with one male and one female player.

Unfortunately I had to playtest the game twice, changing my rules once more in order to accommodate issues I didn't foresee.

Originally my rules were changed to the following:
- 2 Players
- A 5 x 5 grid board is used where each row is numbered 1-5 and so are the columns
- Players are given a deck of X cards or O cards- among these decks are "Wild Cards"
- Wild cards are to be played like a normal X or O card
- Any wild card on the board may be considered either an X or O card, it is to be used by either the X player or the O player in order to complete a line up of their cards
- X plays first- players roll D6 to determine who plays as X- highest roll wins
-Players roll d6- 1 or 5 means player may place their card anywhere on the board where an odd column and odd row intersect (except the specially coloured t-zone- row 3 and column 3)
- 2, 4 or 6 means players may place their card anywhere on the board where an even column and even row intersect
- Roll of 3 means players may place their card anywhere in the special t-zone which is anywhere in the 3rd row or 3rd column
- If a player wants, they may challenge their opponent to try and steal their square (if they roll the appropriate number). Both players must roll d6- if attacker rolls higher they steal the square, if attackee rolls higher they successfully defend their square and may keep it
-Winner is the first person who can get 4 cards in a row

Unfortunately this did not play out as I had anticipated at all!
I did not really consider how limited the players would be when they could only place their cards in areas where odd or even rows/columns intersected. This allowed for only 8 potential spots where cards could be put (excluding the special t-zone in the third row/column) and 8 squares that could not be used at all during gameplay.

So after discovering this quite quickly I (crappily) rejigged my playing board and my rules and asked the playtesters to give my game another shot.

Rules 2.2 came out as so:
- 2 Players
- A 6 x 5 grid board is used where each column is numbered 1-6
- Players are given a deck of X cards or O cards- among these decks are "Wild Cards"
- Wild cards are to be played like a normal X or O card
- Any wild card on the board may be considered either an X or O card, it is to be used by either the X player or the O player in order to complete a line up of their cards
- X plays first- players roll D6 to determine who plays as X- highest roll wins
-Players roll d6- Whatever number is rolled players may place their card on any square under the corresponding column ex// Player rolls 3, they may place their card on any square under the 3rd column
- If a player wants they may challenge their opponent to try and steal their square (if they roll the appropriate number). Both players must roll d6- if attacker rolls higher they steal the square, if attackee rolls higher they successfully defend their square and may keep it
-Winner is the first person who can get 4 cards in a row

This rushed rule/board change made the game play more smooth but unfortunately I could not find a way to save my special "t zone" mechanic. Because I did not use the columns AND rows, I could see no way to keep my "roll a 3" a special move.

Even though the playtesters were patient and kind about the rule change, I am quite disappointed with how the process went.
I wish I could have foreseen the error with my original rules.
Now that I have seen the error, I find it hard to believe I even missed it in the first place!

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